West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club

2024 General Elections

It's time for board elections

WLAOTC is excited to announce our annual elections and the candidates that are in the running for Members at Large Board positions.

We’re asking you to come and vote at our Members’ Meeting on November 12th or to vote with our absentee ballot if you are unable to attend our meeting.


Below is a brief introduction to our candidates.


Tim Chen – Board Member at Large

I have been involved with WLAOTC since 2021 in many aspects of dog training with just about every instructor.  I’ve also been an active supporter of the club by volunteering on the CPE committee and helping Anissa maintain our website. Finding inefficiencies and improving processes is my passion, and I hope I can serve the Club in an even greater capacity as a member of the Board.


Karen Beisch – Board Member at Large

I have over 30 years of experience leading Human Resources for various industries in public and privately held companies. My first experience with agility training and competition with WLAOTC has been with my current dog Zeus and there have been so many people who have encouraged and supported me along the way. I would like to give back to those who have helped me, and to assist the club in its future path.


Alex Uhl – Board Member at Large

I would like to start by saying how special and important our dogs Ziggy and Koda are to our family.  With that said, agility has been an incredibly special journey for us.  I never expected to be affected so deeply.  Koda and I have become so much more connected than I ever thought possible.  I feel that being a part of the club for the past year has enabled me to form a bond with my dogs in ways I never imagined. I would like to give back to the club and be involved in shaping its future.

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As you know our club runs with the involvement of members and volunteers and we ask that if you are looking to get involved, we have committees that will welcome your help and engagement as a committee member.

I’ve listed below the committees with a description of the responsibilities of each. 

Please reach out to any of our board members if you want more information.


Planning and Development Committee

Primary responsibility: Develop objectives and plans to meet the Mission Statements of the Club and ensure successful operations of the WLAOTC.


Finance Committee

Primary responsibility: Acts as financial advisor to the board on the financial affairs of the corporation including but not limited to annual operating budget, anticipated income and expenses, and special projects.


Governance Committee

Primary responsibility: Works with the Elections committee to locate qualified candidates to serve as board officers or members of the board, ensuring that candidates meet Club requirements, and tracking vacancies as they arise.


Membership Committee

Primary responsibility: Membership recruitment and retention.  Orientation of new members (welcome letter, roster, maps, orientation to website)


Website Committee

Primary responsibility: Oversight of “wlaotc.com

Secondary responsibility: Ensure working interface of website with financial site, Club databases and social media presence.


Hospitality Committee

Primary responsibility: Organize and facilitate events working directly with the Planning and Development committee and foster a sense of community amongst members and potential members, provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere at club events. 


My Best Regards,
Viki Kapitany
President, WLAOTC