West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club

About the Club

Welcome to the West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club

We Train People to Train Their Dogs

We offer training for all dogs in weekly classes of 6 – 8 weeks. A good place to start is with a puppy manners class for your new family member at between 3 and 6 months. Other obedience training may begin as early as 5 months with Novice and continuing through our Open/Utility level. Other performance skills offered include nose work, tricks and rally. At year end, we do schedule a break that is about two weeks.
We typically offer 3 days of weekly agility classes for beginning through advanced students. During the Christmas holiday hiatus, we usually schedule special two-hour agility classes devoted to specific skills, such as contacts, weaves, etc.
Our in-year holiday weekends include Memorial Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving. July Fourth is always off even when in-week.

All classes are held at the Cheviot Hills Recreation Center, on Motor Ave near Pico Blvd, in West Los Angeles. 

Club Activities

A “must” for new members!

An opportunity to catch up with old and new friends!

The general member meetings take place in March and November.  See the newsletter for details.

Not a club member? Become a member today.

The club publishes an outstanding member newsletter, which is the best way to keep up on current club events, meetings and programs, as well as member achievements and activities.

The club maintains not one, but two, phone lines where members can check on class cancellations. Information about the club numbers are available in the registration packets associated with each class.

The main club line (310-851-6350) redirects both the general public and interested members to our website.

The club website contains a wealth of information about the club, including descriptions of special events, class listings, photos, membership forms, etc. Potential students may join our agility notification list from the website, and/or pre-register online for obedience classes. The main line is used for obedience, rally, conformation class cancellations or other general announcements.

The second line (310-851-2121) is used for cancellations or other notices specifically for the agility classes and events.

The WLAOTC announcements group is restricted to announcements about club activities. Members should not reply to these e-mails.

Postings are used to send out the newsletter link, flyers about upcoming events such as programs, trials we are putting on, social events. You may opt out of receiving this email, but the information is not available by other means.

Dogs who have earned their CD title or can competently perform all novice and some open exercises may petition for enrollment in one of two Open/Utility classes. We also offer 4 other classes in beginning rally, advanced rally and conformation handling.

In addition, we typically offer 25 agility classes each week for beginning through advanced students. During the Christmas holiday hiatus, we usually schedule special two-hour agility classes devoted to specific skills, such as contacts, weaves, etc.

Our in-year holiday weekends include Memorial Day, Labor Day and Thanksgiving. July Fourth is always off even when in-week.

All classes are held at the Cheviot Hills Recreation Center, on Motor Ave near Pico Blvd, in West Los Angeles. Please visit our class listings to get a complete and current listing of classes and schedules.

Members get an opportunity to practice agility at our Fun Runs occurring in relation to our CPE trials. There is a small fee, to practice whatever skills your dog may need or simply run a course.

Believe it or not, there are a couple of times a year when we get together and leave our dogs at home. Our holiday party takes place in December. Members will gather for dinner, an optional gift exchange, and certainly lots of dog talk.

Our annual Awards dinner, which usually takes place in March, has been on hold since the Pandemic. But at that time, usually we recognize our volunteers, present title trays and give out club awards.

The club owns a growing collection of DVDs and audio books which members may borrow and return at monthly meetings. Titles that are available are listed in on the Members Only – Video Library page.

In addition to many obedience and agility titles, our library includes videos about conformation, health, tracking, herding and general canine behavior.

The club frequently makes volume purchases of items such as bait bags, toss toys and rally flash cards, passing the discount along to members.

Members may also purchase apparel and tote bags with the club logo imprinted on them.

The club occasionally sponsors special workshops.

Past events have featured well-known canine experts, for example, Susan Garret (“Success with One Jump”) and veterinary sports specialist Chris Zink, D.V.M., PhD. (“Peak Performance: Coaching the Canine Athlete”).