West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club

Dog doing weaves while handler runs behind

Agility Fun Run

Agility Fun Run


April 5, 2024    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Cheviot Hills Park
2551 Motor Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90064

Event Type

This is a Great Training Opportunity.

Anyone can participate as long as your dog is familiar with all of the agility obstacles and at least one year old.

This is a great event for new handlers or green dogs to get experience in a fun and supportive environment.

$10 per run, cash or check, for a 60 second run time

Must sign up on site by 3:00pm to run. 

Can run the course or train but NO treats are allowed in the ring, only toys.

Cheviot Hills Park Next to the Archery Field
2551 Motor Ave Los Angeles, CA 90064

Volunteers Needed for the CPE Agility Trial Set-up from 12 pm till setup is completed.

Volunteers arriving by 12:15pm will receive $5 credit towards one Fun Run.

Questions? Contact Deb Rabin at WLAOTC.CPE@gmail.com

Stay after the Fun Run for the WLAOTC Spring Social.  Enjoy some food and mingle with other dog lovers.  RSVP required.