West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club

Obedience Trial

AKC Testing – Canine Good Citizen, Tricks and Canine Good Citizen Advanced Evaluations

AKC Testing - Canine Good Citizen, Tricks and Canine Good Citizen Advanced Evaluations


April 28, 2024    
9:00 am - 11:00 am


Cheviot Hills Park
2551 Motor Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90064

Event Type

Test Time! How are your dog’s skills? Probably better than you think!

Canine Good Citizen, Tricks and Canine Good Citizen Advanced Evaluations

The testing will take place at Cheviot Hills Park near Tennis Courts where Obedience Classes are normally held.

Please park in the main lot on Motor Ave, walk down past the pool at the south end. We’ll be waiting on the right under the trees.

  • 9 AM: CGC testing begins
  • 10 AM: CGCA, Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced Tricks testing begins

Donation of $15 each test
Prepay for your test.

To participate in the AKC evaluation, you must have a valid waiver on file with WLAOTC.
WLAOTC Waiver Form

For more information email: robinjroy@gmail.com
For weather cancellations, call 310-851-6350

This event is being supported by volunteers from the West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club