West Los Angeles Obedience Training Club

Obedience Trial

CGC, CGCA, Novice, Intermediate & Advanced Tricks Testing

CGC, CGCA, Novice, Intermediate & Advanced Tricks Testing


October 1, 2023    
9:00 am - 11:00 am


Cheviot Hills Park
2551 Motor Ave, Los Angeles, CA, 90064

Event Type

How are your dog’s skills? Probably better than you think!

WLAOTC is offering the Canine Good Citizen, Novice, Intermediate and Advanced Tricks and the Canine Good Citizen Advanced Evaluations at Cheviot Hills Park.

CGC testing begins at 9 AM.
CGCA, Novice, Intermediate, and Advanced Tricks tests begin at 10 AM.

$15 each test
Prepay for your test(s).

Testing will take place near Tennis Courts where Obedience Classes are normally held.

For more information email: robinjroy@gmail.com
For weather cancellations, call (310) 851-6350.