Obedience Classes
Learn how to build trust and train your dog and see how your relationship with your dog improves.
WLAOTC offers a variety of obedience classes from puppy classes, beginners all the way to rally obedience and competition training.
All of the obedience classes are held at the Cheviot Hills Recreation Center, on Motor Ave near Pico Blvd, in West Los Angeles.
Google Map to Cheviot Hills Recreation Center | Map of Training Class Locations Inside the Park
If you still have questions after reviewing the Obedience Frequently Asked Questions below, please email us at obedience@wlaotc.com.
If you would like know more about the trainers, please visit the Our Trainers page.
A current waiver is required for all members and for participation in our classes. Complete the WLAOTC Online Waiver.
Updated Course Payment Instructions
As of January 2025, the club will no longer be accepting checks as payment for classes. This is to alleviate the time required for the treasurer to track and process tuition payments. Students can pay for classes, on the website, through PayPal or by debit/credit card.
If you are unfamiliar with paying on the website, your registrar can send you detailed instructions. The registrar can also refer you to a club member who can guide you through the process.
We understand that this requirement may be a hardship for some. Please reach out to your registrar and they will help find a solution.
Thank you for your understanding.
WLAOTC Finance Committee

Class Schedule
Class Descriptions
Class | Day – Time – Trainer | Session Start Date | Register |
Puppy Manners | |||
Novice Obedience | |||
Intermediate Obedience | |||
Advanced Obedience | |||
Advanced Obedience II | |||
Open/Utility Obedience | |||
Beginning and Intermediate Rally Obedience | |||
Rally Obedience: Advanced, Excellent and Master |
Socialize your new puppy in a safe and fun setting. This class will introduce you and your dog to basic obedience commands, leash training and proper behavior around other dogs and people. The class also covers responsible pet ownership and managing puppy behaviors such as chewing, digging and jumping.
Open to puppies 3 months to 6 months old. (Dogs 5 months or up can enroll in a Novice obedience class without prior puppy training.)
Dogs 5 months and older. Registrations will not be accepted for dogs under 5 months old.
No previous training required.
Learn how to train your dog in basic obedience using positive reinforcement.
Successful completion of a WLAOTC Novice Obedience class, or permission of the trainer.
This class builds on Novice class training, increasing focus and control, and improving the skills needed for a happy, well behaved pet. We will also cover the exercises for the AKC Canine Good Citizen test. Whether or not you are considering going on to train for one (or more) of the many dog activities available today, this class is the next step in building a better relationship with your canine partner.
Successful completion of a WLAOTC Intermediate Novice Obedience Class or permission of the trainer. Dogs must be solid in most Novice Obedience Exercises.
This class focuses on developing focus and skills for the obedience ring. Students who do not plan to compete in obedience are welcome.
Successful completion of a WLAOTC Advanced Obedience Class with permission of the trainer.
It aims to improve or perfect performance in Novice exercises and develop the attention needed for competition.
Students who do not plan to compete are welcome.
Advanced competitive obedience training emphasizing the exercises required for CDX (Open) and UD (Utility).
Permission of the trainer is mandatory.
Learn how to navigate Rally courses for competition in AKC, ASCA and UKC obedience trials. In this fun sport, handlers are allowed to talk to and encourage their dogs while following instruction signs in the obedience ring.
New handlers and their dogs should be familiar with basic obedience commands, and dogs should be under handler’s control. Intermediate students will be accommodated with more challenging signs, and will have the option to run their dogs off leash.
Continuing training for handlers and dogs competing for Rally Advanced, Excellent and Master titles. Now included are the exercises to compete at the Rally Master level or continue on to the RACH title.
Open to all dog/handler teams who have earned a Rally Novice title, or with permission of the instructor.
Trainers will recommend alternatives for dogs deemed too reactive or agressive to participate in one of our group classes.
If you are interested in training for your Feisty Fido, please email us at obedience@wlaotc.com.
Puppy Manners
- Positive Reinforcement
- Puppy Manners Week 1
- Puppy Manners Week 2
- Puppy Manners Week 3
- Puppy Manners Week 4
- Puppy Manners Week 5
- Puppy Manners Week 6
- Puppy Rule of Twelve
- Novice Week 1
- Novice Week 2
- Novice Week 3
- Novice Week 4
- Novice Week 5
- Novice Week 6
- Before you Start
- The Name Game
- The Watch Me Game
- Go to Your Place
- Leave It
- AKC Canine Good Citizen Test
- AKC Community Canine Test
- AKC Trick Dog Novice
- AKC Trick Dog Intermediate
Rally Obedience
You may enroll in a WLAOTC class for the next level your dog is ready for. Please check the website for class requirements and include what previous classes you have taken when registering. i.e. If you previously took a puppy class, you may sign up for a Novice Obedience class. If you have taken a Novice Obedience class you may sign up for a Intermediate Novice Class. If you have questions about where to enroll your dog, please contact us at obedience@wlaotc.com.
If you are a new student to WLAOTC, register for the class and the registrar will contact you about speaking with the trainer to get approval. They may ask for information about what you have done with your dog. When you answer the email will be forwarded to the trainer who will determine if you are ready for that class.
If you are a student currently in classes, move ups to higher levels are done when the trainer approves them. They notify the obedience coordinator and/or the registrar who passes your information on the the next registrar.
You may not move up without this approval.
Our advanced classes are designed to teach a series of behaviors that are needed to continue. Our Advanced II class is intended for dogs who already have the skill set to compete at those levels.
You must have a handler for each dog enrolled in class. If you handle one puppy/dog, you must have a different person handle the second dog.
Dogs with behavioral problems such as aggression, fearfulness or extreme shyness should not be enrolled in these group classes. Such dogs and their owner/handler should seek private instruction with an animal behaviorist.
Certain “adolescent” behaviors can be corrected in a group class situation. If you are uncertain about your dog’s behavior please contact us at obedience@wlaotc.com outlining the behavior problem you are experiencing and we will help you determine if your dog should be enrolled in our classes or not. We do reserve the right to dismiss unsuitable dogs from our group classes. However, some of our trainers do provide private instruction on their own time. You may send an email to obedience@wlaotc.com and we will forward your information to one of our trainers. There is no guarantee that they will be available for lessons and we cannot provide any information on cost.
Even if your dog already knows basic commands, a Novice Obedience class would be a good choice to start your training with. Group classes offer a different environment for learning for your dog. Basic obedience skills for handler and dogs are taught and would be beneficial in helping to build a lasting relationship with your dog. These classes are outside in an active environment with lots of distractions. Novice offers the chance for you to be sure your dog understands those commands no matter what is happening around the dog. Socialization skills are also much improved from this type of class.
Your puppy needs to be at least 3 months old and have most of its shots in order to sign up for a puppy class. This is for the safety and health of your puppy and other students in the class. At 3 months the puppy also begins to have ability to focus on learning for longer periods of time. Learning is more assured at this point.
We do not offer private training through our club. However, some of our trainers do provide private instruction on their own time. You may send an email to obedience@wlaotc.com and we will forward your information to one of our trainers. There is no guarantee that they will be available for lessons and we cannot provide any information on cost.
Puppy classes are limited to 9 students. All other Obedience and Rally classes are limited to 12 students.
We do not allow make-ups or pro-rated fees for any of our classes. The only exception is for Puppy And Manners Class. The rules for this class are included in the registration packet for the class. There will be no refund of the class fee once the class has started.
No make-ups are allowed in any of our classes except Puppy. There will be no refund of class fees once the class has started. In Puppy, there are special circumstances for up to two classes that may be used as a credit for enrolling in Novice. Do speak with the trainer about the missed (or going to be missed class). Often they can give you exercises to practice with your dog for what was missed.
No. Please contact us at obedience@wlatoc.com if you have not heard from anyone! This can occur if you did not receive a confirmation email when you registered. Be sure you check your spam for the email. The various companies that support email sometimes reject email from our servers. That email also goes to the registrar so they know you have requested a class. If you didn’t get it, they didn’t either.
The link for every class is in the registration process. After you enter your information and click continue at the bottom, it takes you to a page with final registration instructions. Because Puppy and Novice are beginning classes, there is no link in our “continuing students PayPal” page. You may email your registrar who will send you the link.
No. Once a class is marked Full it is closed for registration. Please check for classes that are not marked full and have starting dates. There is no formal waiting list for our Obedience Classes.
No. Please keep checking the website until a start date is posted.
No. The on-line information you submit just informs the class registrar that you are interested in signing up for that class. Your spot will be held tentatively until the waivers are entered online and payment is received. However, if the class fills quickly and you do not completed these steps, your space will be given to the student whose payment and waiver are received/completed first.
Sometimes our classes fill in advance of the class start date. Checks are deposited as soon as the class is begins. We will shred your check if you decide to drop out before it begins.
If you have encountered issues with being able to take a class before it starts, notify the registrar. We can refund the PayPal transaction in full.
Typically, the registrar for the class will send a confirmation email that your payment has been received and your waivers are completed so you are enrolled in class. If you are enrolling several months ahead, be aware that the registrar works the classes in next date first order. It may be a month or more before you hear. Please remember that our registrars are volunteers, many with full time jobs so they are working on this as quickly as possible. Conformation of being in a class will be mailed sometime during the week before it starts.